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Global Score
Basic Information
--3.80 x 1.90 x 0.80 inches
--3.50 ounces
$ 290.00$ 160.00
Display / Screen
5.3 inches2.2 inches
--176 x 220 pixels
109 pixels per inch128 pixels per inch
No touch screenNo touch screen
processor processor
--512 MB RAM
No SD card slotNo SD card slot
--1.30 MP
Battery Life
--920mAh Li-Ion Battery
Removable BatteryRemovable Battery
--330 hours standby time
4.2 hours talk time

Comparison review

PCD CDM8635 has an overall score of 30.8, which is just a bit better than the Samsung Galaxy Q's 28.3 general score. The PCD CDM8635 counts with a brighter display than Galaxy Q, because although it has a way smaller screen, it also counts with a just a bit better pixels number per screen inch. The Galaxy Q and the PCD CDM8635 feature incredibly similar storage for apps and games.

PCD CDM8635 has a little bit better hardware performance than Samsung Galaxy Q. Both have the same number of cores. The PCD CDM8635 counts with a very superior camera than Samsung Galaxy Q. PCD CDM8635 features a very superior battery lifetime than Galaxy Q.

The PCD CDM8635 is not only the best phones in this comparison, but it's also a lot cheaper, which makes it very easy to pick between these phones.

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